Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Diaversary

It was a toss-up between a tattoo or starting blog to mark my diaversary – and I figured a blog was less painful – so here it is.

It's 12 months to the day that I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 37. To say it was shock to system is an understatement – who knew you could be diagnosed with T1 at this age, no one in my family had D – it hadn’t even crossed my mind that this was the problem. In fact it was kind of an accident that I was diagnosed – I was seeing the doctor for something totally unrelated and they ordered numerous blood tests – of which an HBA1C was one of them – no wonder I felt like crap – my fasting BLG’s were high and don’t even talk about the oral glucose test that I had to follow up with. I guess I’m lucky that we ‘discovered’ this before I ended up in hospital (like so many others) – I was still producing some beta cells at the time, I had lost a bit of weight – but I was nowhere near emancipated (unfortunately this has crept back on, thanks insulin).

So 12 months on, and I’m getting the hang of things – I have my ups and downs (but who doesn’t), there are times where my BGLs just don’t make sense and I have panic attack or 2, but it has made me think more about what food I consume on a daily basis, it gets me out of bed early most morning to run on the beach (which is one of THE best ways to wake up) , I have discovered the online diabetes world (which has been a god send – I may not have commented on your blogs peeps but I have been stalking you) and it’s made me see just what a truly fabulous man I married – he has been an absolute rock and taken this all in his stride.

So dear diabetes on our 1 year anniversary – I may have to live with you for the rest of my life – but I do not have to like you – you may slow me down from time to time but you will not stop me from living my life or being the person I want to be.

These are my ramblings…

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, and diaversary. But congrats on getting thru the first year. I dont have t1, im a t3, caring for a child with d. It can be such a monster to manage but you sound like you have a positive and healthy outlook on life and d.
